Jog into Spring 5K

Age Group Results

March 19, 2005

Hermes Sports & Events, Inc.

Men: 0- 1 2-10 11-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-98 99-99
Women: 0- 1 2-10 11-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64 65-69 70-98 99-99

Overall Female Open Winners

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Maria Lancianese        Canton  OH          14       21      21:54.9    4:23/K

Women No Age

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Christine Rosa          Independence  OH     0       95      28:11.9    5:38/K
       2    Ashley Roche            Solon  OH                   157      36:10.4    7:14/K

Women 10 & Under

Record: Sarah Budzowski Year: 2003 Time: 32:36.4

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Kelly Mencini                               10      132      31:44.2    6:21/K
       2    Alex Futrell            Akron  OH            7      154      35:55.6    7:11/K

Women 11 to 14

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Sandy Hajek             Independence  OH    14       32      23:17.1    4:39/K
       2    Karol Buczek                                14       59      25:38.8    5:08/K
       3    Kim Scott                                   14       68      26:27.3    5:17/K
       4    Alyssa Heiffert                             13      105      28:58.6    5:48/K
       5    Jen Kotlarsic           Independence  OH    14      107      29:10.4    5:50/K
       6    Emily Buffington        Independence  OH    13      149      35:11.2    7:02/K
       7    Natalie Letostak        Independence  OH    12      150      35:12.3    7:02/K
       8    Jessica Rutsky          Solon  OH           14      156      36:09.8    7:14/K
       9    Mary Walko                                  12      164      38:17.0    7:39/K
      10    Michelle Laski                              12      165      38:17.4    7:39/K

Women 15 to 19

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Nicole Wise             Independence  OH    16       37      23:41.6    4:44/K
       2    Katherine Digeronimo                        16       45      24:06.2    4:49/K
       3    Kristen Smiach          Independence  OH    15       47      24:09.9    4:50/K
       4    Christy Campbell        Independence  OH    16       69      26:29.4    5:18/K
       5    Kelly Moore             Independence  OH    19       72      26:34.0    5:19/K
       6    Kate Malloy             Independence  OH    15       80      27:19.5    5:28/K
       7    Cecily Piteo            Independence  OH    15       91      28:01.8    5:36/K
       8    Sonya Topola            Independence  OH    16      102      28:55.2    5:47/K
       9    Alyssa Verk                                 15      108      29:11.5    5:50/K
      10    Kourtney Brown                              17      125      31:10.8    6:14/K
      11    Tiffany Howell                              18      126      31:14.5    6:15/K
      12    Lynne Hutchison         Solon  OH           19      129      31:37.2    6:19/K
      13    Jarqui Allanson                             19      130      31:38.0    6:20/K
      14    Samantha Rondini        Solon  OH           16      151      35:18.4    7:04/K
      15    Christina Dinardo                           15      152      35:19.3    7:04/K
      16    Amy Rutsky                                  16      158      36:10.9    7:14/K
      17    Jessie Harrison         Solon  OH           16      159      36:11.4    7:14/K
      18    Samantha Rutsky         Solon  OH           16      160      36:11.9    7:14/K
      19    Britta Kumley           Solon  OH           17      161      36:12.3    7:14/K

Women 20 to 24

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Arin Riddle             Independence  OH    23       50      24:20.5    4:52/K
       2    Kelsen Labarage                             23       58      25:37.7    5:07/K
       3    Karen MacHmak                               20       61      25:53.6    5:11/K
       4    Maria Antonelli         Seven Hills  OH     22       64      26:00.8    5:12/K
       5    Lynn MacHniak           Independence  OH    22       70      26:30.6    5:18/K
       6    Gina Decristofaro       Streetsboro  OH     23       92      28:02.9    5:36/K
       7    Leah Grode              Twinsburg  OH       24      111      29:22.8    5:52/K
       8    Rachel Deangelo         Solon  OH           22      118      30:18.1    6:04/K
       9    Leigh Hutchinson        Solon  OH           24      140      33:25.5    6:41/K
      10    Sarah Kaplan            Bloomington  IN     20      146      34:53.6    6:59/K

Women 25 to 29

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Patricia Sweeney        Lakewood  OH        27       22      22:17.3    4:27/K
       2    Kate Buddenhagen        Independence  OH    25       65      26:11.9    5:14/K
       3    Dawn Conwill            Wooster  OH         26      106      29:06.7    5:49/K
       4    Amy Knowlton            Lakewood  OH        26      109      29:12.4    5:50/K
       5    Mandy Walimire          Olmsted Falls  OH   25      114      29:27.9    5:53/K
       6    Allsyon Smotzer                             25      128      31:36.5    6:19/K
       7    Lorella Fini            South Euclid  OH    28      153      35:38.7    7:08/K
       8    Colleen Schroeder                           25      168      39:27.5    7:53/K

Women 30 to 34

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Mary Baca               Brecksville  OH     33       39      23:54.5    4:47/K
       2    Jennifer Chagin         Bay Village  OH     34       49      24:19.6    4:52/K
       3    Helen Clymer            Independence  OH    33       51      24:21.0    4:52/K
       4    Joyce Barchet           Brecksville  OH     34       56      25:24.8    5:05/K
       5    Courtney Baker                              34       60      25:49.7    5:10/K
       6    Holly Trimble           Mayfield Heights  O 32       74      26:44.9    5:21/K
       7    Lisa Arnold                                 31      142      34:36.4    6:55/K
       8    Katie Zabransky         Cleveland  OH       33      144      34:45.9    6:57/K
       9    Jennifer Budzip         Brunswick  OH       31      145      34:47.2    6:57/K
      10    Renee Futrell           Akron  OH           33      171      47:10.8    9:26/K

Women 35 to 39

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Marie Sanoba            Maple Heights  OH   39       23      22:21.2    4:28/K
       2    Robyn Skoczon           Independence  OH    39       67      26:21.4    5:16/K
       3    Melanie Samay           Middleburg Heights  37      113      29:26.3    5:53/K
       4    Carri Kenney            Brecksville  OH     38      115      29:34.0    5:55/K
       5    Julie Rightnowar        Lambertville  MI    35      116      29:36.7    5:55/K
       6    Rebecca Kahn            Brecksville  OH     39      120      30:22.8    6:04/K
       7    Eileen Mencini          Strongsville  OH    36      131      31:43.2    6:21/K
       8    Elisa Budoff            Chagrin Falls  OH   39      143      34:43.4    6:57/K

Women 40 to 44

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Cheryl Poorman          Seven Hills  OH     44       35      23:35.1    4:43/K
       2    Joanie Moore                                43       81      27:24.1    5:29/K
       3    Mary Moore              Independence  OH    43      103      28:56.1    5:47/K
       4    Michelle Kaye           Brecksville  OH     41      110      29:14.4    5:51/K
       5    Colleen Mc Artor        Brecksville  OH     40      119      30:21.5    6:04/K
       6    Mickey Hribar           Sagamore Hills  OH  42      148      35:02.3    7:00/K
       7    Wendy Stevens           Brecksville  OH     42      163      38:01.4    7:36/K
       8    Jane Donahue            Independence  OH    42      170      47:02.1    9:24/K

Women 45 to 49

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Mary Frantz             Independence  OH    45       46      24:08.9    4:50/K
       2    Kim Sowinski            Independence  OH    48       66      26:16.2    5:15/K
       3    Loisirene Blumberg      Independence  OH    47       90      27:59.6    5:36/K
       4    Nancy Kanik             Strongsville  OH    49       99      28:30.4    5:42/K
       5    Lyn Kurtz               Independence  OH    47      112      29:23.9    5:53/K
       6    Nancy Wygonaki                              46      123      30:48.4    6:10/K
       7    Gale Connor                                 46      135      32:12.5    6:26/K
       8    Kathleen Gibbons        Rocky River  OH     46      162      37:06.7    7:25/K
       9    Dolores Minisall        Hiram  OH           49      167      39:06.1    7:49/K

Women 50 to 54

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Anne John                                   51       41      23:59.8    4:48/K
       2    Marie Przeszlo          Newbury  OH         53       83      27:29.5    5:30/K
       3    Kathryn Trzeciak        Hiram  OH           50      101      28:53.1    5:47/K
       4    Barbara Masters         Mentor  OH          50      122      30:37.7    6:07/K
       5    Joyce Kradewski                             52      127      31:22.4    6:16/K
       6    Diane Kelvington        Aurora  OH          52      133      31:59.0    6:24/K

Women 55 to 59

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Helen Younglas          Twinsburg  OH       59      121      30:27.4    6:05/K

Women 60 to 64

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Peggy Wielenberg        Cleveland Heights   60      139      33:11.7    6:38/K

Women 70 to 98

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Therese Fanelli         Medina  OH          73      124      30:53.3    6:11/K


Record: Kathryn Trzeciak Year: 2003 Time: 29:58.3

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Christa Younglas        Twinsburg  OH       99      166      38:18.4    7:40/K
       2    Adele Fini              Cleveland  OH       99      172      49:50.2    9:58/K

Overall Male Open Winners

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Dustin Meeker                               23        1      16:16.8    3:15/K

Men 10 & Under

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Kyle Polman             Independence  OH     9        7      19:40.9    3:56/K
       2    Tyler Hinkle            Canal Fulton  OH    10       77      27:12.3    5:26/K

Men 11 to 14

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Jon Moore               Independence  OH    13       11      20:57.3    4:11/K
       2    Kyle Tomko              Independence  OHIO  12       25      22:27.6    4:29/K
       3    Matt Frantz             Independence  OH    13       29      23:05.4    4:37/K
       4    Zachary Skoczon         Independence  OH    12       42      24:00.5    4:48/K
       5    Kevin Liszka            Avon Lake  OH       13       84      27:32.6    5:30/K
       6    Brian Malloy            Parma  OH           13       87      27:43.3    5:33/K
       7    Mark Kuczmarksi                             12      134      32:00.2    6:24/K

Men 15 to 19

Record: Johnathan Ward Year: 2004 Time: 17:58.7

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Chris Humprey           Independence  OH    16        5      19:25.8    3:53/K
       2    Joey Hribar             Sagamore Hills  OH  15       10      20:54.6    4:11/K
       3    Dave Baron                                  16       12      20:59.3    4:12/K
       4    Adam Kominko            Independence  OH    18       14      21:13.5    4:15/K
       5    Jon Ward                Independence  OH    19       17      21:28.9    4:18/K
       6    Eamonn O'Shea                               18       55      25:23.5    5:05/K
       7    Eric Lee                Strongsville  OHIO  16       62      25:59.3    5:12/K
       8    Mark Kaiser             Broadview Hts.  OH  17       89      27:52.9    5:34/K

Men 20 to 24

Record: Bryan Less Year: 2004 Time: 16:41.8

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Skipper Hayes                               23        2      17:07.4    3:25/K
       2    Matt Toth               Independence  OH    24        4      19:21.5    3:52/K
       3    Geoff Friedrich         Cleveland  OH       23       53      25:21.9    5:04/K

Men 25 to 29

Record: Kevin Michalske Year: 2004 Time: 16:27.5

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Tim Topolski            Independence  OH    28       43      24:02.5    4:48/K
       2    Jeff Budzick                                29       54      25:22.6    5:04/K
       3    Elliott Burtoin         Lakewood  OH        26       98      28:29.9    5:42/K
       4    Marco Iacovetta         Mayfield Hts.  OH   28      137      32:54.5    6:35/K
       5    Justin Kolonz                               25      141      33:26.4    6:41/K

Men 30 to 34

Record: Scott Snow Year: 2003 Time: 16:55.2

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Brett Walburn           Medina  OH          33       26      22:35.9    4:31/K
       2    Edward Clouser, Jr.     Westlake  OH        33       38      23:48.6    4:46/K
       3    Chris Ellicott          Brooklyn  OH        34       52      24:27.5    4:53/K
       4    Jim King                Euclid  OH          33       76      26:56.9    5:23/K
       5    Bill Moman                                  34      138      33:05.8    6:37/K
       6    Shawn Futrell           Akron  OH           33      155      35:56.6    7:11/K
       7    A C                                         32      169      39:29.6    7:54/K

Men 35 to 39

Record: John Hribar Year: 2004 Time: 19:51.3

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Will Biscoff                                39        6      19:28.0    3:54/K
       2    Rocco Rocco                                 38        8      20:13.4    4:03/K
       3    Pete Marek              Brunswick  OH       38       28      23:00.5    4:36/K
       4    Guy Rosa                Bay Village  OH     39       48      24:18.8    4:52/K
       5    Patrick Coleman         Independence  OH    37       71      26:31.6    5:18/K
       6    Mark Hinkle             Canal Fulton  OH    37       78      27:13.3    5:27/K
       7    Rick Rightnowar         Lambertville  MI    35      136      32:52.1    6:34/K

Men 40 to 44

Record: Peter Waters Year: 2004 Time: 17:05.7

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Peter Waters                                42        3      17:47.6    3:33/K
       2    John Hribar             Strongsville  OH    40       15      21:18.2    4:16/K
       3    Mike Marsh                                  42       16      21:24.4    4:17/K
       4    Tim Powell              Akron  OH           44       34      23:34.7    4:43/K
       5    Dave Gnatowski          Broadview Hts.  OH  44       36      23:36.5    4:43/K
       6    Ron Liszka              Avon Lake  OH       42       82      27:27.9    5:29/K
       7    Glenn Nickerson         Warrensville Hts  O 44       93      28:06.0    5:37/K
       8    Ken Kaye                Brecksville  OH     42       96      28:18.0    5:40/K
       9    Joe Hribar              Sagamore Hills  OH  42      100      28:35.8    5:43/K

Men 45 to 49

Record: Pete Jendre Year: 2003 Time: 18:26.9

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Joe Kastelic            Aurora  OH          48        9      20:32.9    4:06/K
       2    George Themelis         Brecksville  OH     45       13      21:06.6    4:13/K
       3    Bruce Rutsky            Solon  OH           48       18      21:43.9    4:21/K
       4    Jack Urbanek            Olmsted Falls  OH   45       20      21:50.8    4:22/K
       5    Ed Frantz               Independence  OH    45       30      23:07.6    4:37/K
       6    Joe Wilson              N Olmsted  OH       48       63      26:00.0    5:12/K
       7    Keith Gruber            North Royalton  OH  46       97      28:21.5    5:40/K

Men 50 to 54

Record: Greg Klipan Year: 2004 Time: 19:15.0

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    David Donahue           Conneaut Lake  PA   52       19      21:45.4    4:21/K
       2    Tom Polakowski          Fairport Harbor  OH 51       27      22:37.7    4:31/K
       3    Edward Rockwood         Shaker Heights  OH  50       31      23:15.7    4:39/K
       4    Karl Bernhardt          Independence  OH    50       75      26:55.9    5:23/K
       5    Don Frtiz                                   53       79      27:16.8    5:27/K
       6    Jeff Bing               Westlake  OH        52       86      27:41.8    5:32/K

Men 55 to 59

Record: Lenny Richter Year: 2004 Time: 20:05.6

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Daniel Peters           Independence  OH    55       40      23:59.2    4:48/K
       2    Ray Koleaba                                 59       44      24:05.2    4:49/K
       3    Ken Lane                Sagamore Hills  OH  58       57      25:32.0    5:06/K

Men 60 to 64

Record: Pete Fickert Year: 2004 Time: 21:44.6

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Ray Lance               Akron  OH           63       33      23:27.2    4:41/K
       2    Richard Nettles                             62       85      27:34.0    5:31/K
       3    Larry Crosby            Lambertville  MI    63      117      30:04.0    6:01/K

Men 65 to 69

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Vernon Burger           Aurora  OH          65       94      28:09.4    5:38/K


Record: Jeff Lechak Year: 2003 Time: 22:13.4

    Place    Name                    City              Age   Overall       Time      Pace
       1    Bob Klinar              Olmsted Falls  OH   99       24      22:23.2    4:29/K
       2    Angelo Fappiano         Highland Heights  O 99       73      26:38.3    5:20/K
       3    Floyd Winters           Parma  OH           99       88      27:44.0    5:33/K
       4    Steven Sadler           Pepper Pike  OH     99      104      28:57.6    5:47/K
       5    Gary Kaplan             Orange  OH          99      147      34:54.4    6:59/K